Kitty from the front and butterfly from behind Of course most frequently [tatushki] at the intimate places make the misses: a few Russian peasants have a habit to [vybrivat] to themselves pubes, and to make tattooing in the thick brushwood - matter troublesome. Yes even to sense from this a little, nevertheless no one will note.
But it is here in the girls of [shevelyury] in the intimate places for [poakkuratney], to [tatuirovshchiku] there is where to be developed. - Some women to us come already with the finished ideas, tells “[ZHG]” the owner of St. Petersburg Tatu- studio Andrey Petrov, others simply want to make to themselves tattooing at the intimate place, but they do not know, what precisely.
Similar we propose to select the suitable subject on the catalogs. The completely peaceful pictures most frequently make: lizards, butterflies and kitties. Frequently they request to prick any of [multyashnogo] hero or exposed female figurine in the style of [fentezi]. However, fall more [prikolnye] things. For example, this summer in Cyprus as one of the clients I depicted [gazonokosilshchika], which seemingly shears hair on its pubes by its machine. However, only the most moved misses are solved to similar things.
Intimate tattooings draw women for the different reasons. Some make pictures to themselves exclusively on the smoothly shaved pubes. Conveniences in this approach are obvious. Tattooing tired, it is possible to let go hair, and no one will see, which is there represented. Others decorate its female charms in order to gladden that loved.
They come into the salon and they request: “Prick out to me, if you please, on the priest butterfly. I want to make to my fellow pleasant surprise. It will be attached to me from behind, and itself in the process will my [tatushku] examine”